Kylie Jenner is the newest public enemy number one.

Kylie Jenner is the newest public enemy number one. The uber-rich makeup company owning fake-ass having bag of plastic posted a photo calling people to help the animals suffering in the Australian brushfires and them immediately shared a photo of her wearing Louise Vuitton Mink slippers. 

It started with a simple post of a firefighter holding a koala and quickly devolved into pure self indulgence. I mean, do we really expect anything less from people like this? I know I dont. 

I mean, she's trolling right? How could you be so inept? It has to be a troll and if so, then we are here for it. But many online pointed our what they saw as her hypocrisy. How could you morn the death of animals while wearing a dead animal? Does your brain hurt yet from all the self-justification? Mine does, well turns out the fur is real and quite expensive, whoop-de-doo!